Outcome traffic light potential for deployment of WASP:

The following table indicates the average savings on the representative Cape routes for those WASP technologies considered. The savings on the other Baltic T/C routes will produce similar fuel savings per day as they are a composite of the representative routes displayed here.       

The validated data and simulations in this study are kindly provided by members of the International Wind Ship Association (IWSA). The savings shown here should be treated as an initial guide. Wind route optimisation, not included in these results, will deliver further savings.

Different WASP technologies may generate significantly different savings on specific routes.

WASP technology providers will provide accurate performance predictions based on their technology; contact details are provided in the “Criteria and Inputs” section.

When trading to EU ports, WASP provides the added benefit of reduced compliance costs associated with the EU ETS and FuelEU regulations.


Fast speeds and consumption

Route Ballast Port Load Port Discharge Port

Ballast leg fuel savings t/day

Laden leg fuel savings t/day

Round Voyage fuel savings t/day

Round vogage GHG reduction CO2EQ/day

C2 Rotterdam Tubarao Rotterdam 6.45 4.95 5.70 17.96
C3 Qingdao Tubarao Qingdao 6.97 6.57 6.77 21.33
C5 Qingdao Port Hedland Qingdao 6.09 4.98 5.54 17.45
C7 Rotterdam Bolivar Rotterdam 8.40 9.00 8.70 27.41
C17 Qingdao Saldanha Bay Qingdao 6.98 5.63 6.31 19.87

FAST Speeds and Consumptions as follows: Ballast leg - 15 knots on 62mt/ MFO/day; Laden leg - 14 knots on 63mt/ MFO/day.

To return to ECO speeds please click here,

To make the results directly comparable the assessments have been calculated on the basis of round voyages, for a vessel operated on that route for the entire year. Industry standard wind distribution data over a minimum of a 5 year period was used in the simulation. A composite of the major routes simulated can be applied to assess time charter implications.


IWSA members who have participated in this initiative:

The simulation and validated data for this resource has been kindly provided by the following members of IWSA. For more detail on the modelling criteria applied and the calculation input please click here this include the contact details of the companies who have provided validated data and route simulations for this pilot study.