EEXI applies to all vessels of 400gt and above. This is a design standard which gives an indication of the fuel efficiency of a ship: much like you will see when you buy a new car. The actual efficiency will be determined by how it is operated (see EEOI and CII).

Compliance with this regulation must be demonstrated via the class society or Flag following the first MARPOL survey after 1 January 2023. The basis for the EEXI is the IMO Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) which came into force for all newbuilds from January 2013. To include vessels built before this date the EEXI provides a means to retroactively assess the design standard of these ships.

To comply with the regulation owners must certify, that the required reduction in fuel consumption, in grams of COper tonne-mile, has been achieved for that ship type and size. The most common compliance mechanism is by limiting the maximum power output of the main engine via what is called an EPL (engine propulsion limiter). Once installed, verified and certified as compliant a certificate is issued by class and no further action is required as part of this regulation.

The Baltic confirms that all Baltic standard vessels are operated in compliance with all regulations, including EEXI. The impact of measures, including engine power limitation, to attain EEXI compliance will not materially impact vessel operations in the prevailing market.

Review of EEXI at the IMO during bi-annual MEPC meetings is part of an ongoing process.