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This calculator provides an estimate of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) cost for the Baltic Standard ship. 

The results are displayed only for those Baltic standard routes, whose representative port parings, either start or end in an EU port, given such a port call would trigger a compliance obligation for the surrender of allowances (EUA’s) in connection with the EU ETS. 

The block on the right-hand side displays the results for the standard Baltic ship on the Baltic standard routes. These standards are more fully described in the “Guide to market benchmarks” document or the route visualization page.

By entering a comparison vessel deadweight, speed and consumption on the left-hand side, the results for this ship are displayed against the Baltic standard ship by route on the right-hand side.  

By entering a comparison vessel deadweight, speed and consumption on the left-hand side, the results for this ship are displayed against the Baltic standard ship by route on the right-hand side. 

The user can toggle between LNG and LPG routes, as well as the new LNG174 vs the old LNG160 standard. 

The European Union Allowance (EUA) price in USD can be manually entered for the calculation in the bottom left.  Whether vessel voyage starts in an EU Port affects the calculation given the regulation applies to voyages both to and from the EU, or between EU ports. 

The compliance year can also be selected as there is a phased in approach on the obligation to surrender allowances starting with 40% for emissions in 2024 increasing to 100% from 2026 and on. 

“Cargo $/T” provides a cost estimate of compliance with the EU ETS per tonne carried using the “cargo carried” number provided in the table below the calculation. 

“Fuel $/T” provides an estimate of the EU ETS compliance cost for every tonne of fuel burned on the standard Baltic routes. 

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