Please click on the image above or click here to launch our Fuel EU Calculator. Please be patient: the calculator may take up to 30 seconds to load.

This calculator provides an estimate of the cost of compliance with FuelEU Maritime for alternative fuels between 2025 and 2030, with reference to the Baltic standard ship on the standard routes.

The results are displayed only for those Baltic standard routes, whose representative port parings, either start or end in an EU port, given such a port call would trigger a compliance obligation. These standards are more fully described in the “Guide to market benchmarks” document or the route visualization page.

This tool provides a comparison for your vessel burning and alternative fuel after entering the vessel deadweight, type, speed and consumption against the Baltic standard ship burning VLSFO in navigation outside ECA’s and MGO everywhere else. With the exception being tankers heating or discharging cargoes outside ECA zones.

For more detailed instructions on how to use the FuelEU penalty and comparison tool, please see the “Calculator inputs and assumptions” tab. The results below display the associated penalty or surplus for your vessel particulars and those of the standard Baltic ship. It is possible to manually enter your own fuel cost as well as to select or de-select columns in the output.

Feedback or questions in connection with the FuelEU maritime calculator may be directed to