Please click on the image above to launch our Dry Bulk Carbon Metrics calculator.
This calculator provides a side-by-side comparison of the most common emissions metrics from IMO, the CII and EEOI along with the two emissions baselines requested during our market consultation.
The block on the right-hand side displays the results for the standard Baltic ship on the Baltic standard routes. These standards are more fully described in the “Guide to market benchmarks” document or the route visualization page.
By entering a comparison vessel deadweight, speed and consumption on the left-hand side, the results for this ship are displayed against the Baltic standard ship by route on the right-hand side.
As EEOI and CO2/ 1000 tonnes discharged as based on the amount of cargo loaded for the voyage the cargo uplift for the proposed voyage can be changed manually using the “manual lift override” button. They can be returned to the uplift values show in the table below by pressing the “reset” button.
The table below the calculator provides the key assumptions made for the calculations. Further details on the assumptions used can be found here.
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